Batch Encoding Converter 5.0.32
Convert files between any encoding and format

Batch Image Processor 2008 5.6.32
Process photos using 120+ actions and filters

BinaryMark Batch Image Resizer 5.6.32
Batch-Resize/Crop/Flip/Convert your images

Flash FLV Video Downloader 7.0.32
Save live and recorded videos from Internet

Biorhythms Calculator 2010 2.0.32
Discover your good and bad days

Password Generator 2010 3.0.32
Generate strong passwords, codes, usernames

Streaming Video Downloader 5.0
Save all kinds of videos from the Internet

Color Picker Pro 2.1.32
Pick pixel colors anywhere on your screen!

Batch Image Watermarker 5.6.32
Add text and picture watermarks to images

Batch Image Processor 2010 5.6.32
Process photos using 120+ actions and filters

Random Item Picker 3.5.32
Pick items at random from a list

Batch Image Enhancer 5.6.32
Turn average photos into stunning images

BinaryMark Image Converter 5.6.32
Convert multiple images between 30+ formats

Database E-Mailer 4.3.32
E-Mail your clients using your database

Blogspot Image Downloader 1.1.32
Save images from Blogspot / Tumblr blogs